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The Takeaway: Black Maternal Health Disparities and Solutions

APRIL 11, 2022 via The Takeaway 
From Public Radio Exchange -- PRX

Black Maternal Health Disparities and Solutions

In 2017, the World Health Organization found that even though maternal mortality rates were decreasing globally, the U.S. was one of two countries to experience a significant increase in its maternal mortality ratio. What this means is that women and other birthing people in the U.S. are "dying before, during, and after childbirth" at a rate higher than any developed nation in the world, with Black women and Black birthing persons 3 times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications than their white counterparts.

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Summary and Purpose

Consistent with its mission to fight for the health of all moms and babies, March of Dimes issued a July 2018 Position Statement on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity , released a report on maternity care deserts, and is developing an approach to address the “poor quality and differential care” that contributes to the higher rates of maternal morbidity and mortality experienced by women of color.1 This interim Position Statement on Doulas and Birth Outcomes will be part of a broader March of Dimes approach to these issues that is under development. It provides evidence and guidance to support March of Dimes participation in advocacy efforts related to doula care as they arise nationally and locally. It also can serve as an education tool about the importance of doulas as a part of the birth team.

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National Birth Equity Collaborative: BMHW22 Virtual Market Place

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LA County's Guaranteed Income Pilot Program: Breathe

Breathe is a guaranteed income pilot project that will provide 1,000 eligible residents with $1,000 per month for three years. While the benefits of guaranteed income programs have been documented, this will also be an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project’s impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants’ overall health and well-being.
Application process begins March 31st and closes April 13thComplete online from any computer or phone at the website: 
Who is Eligible?

To be eligible for this pilot project, you must meet all of these requirements: 
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Live in a Los Angeles County neighborhood that falls at or below 100% of the County’s Area Median Household Income (AMI) (see Eligiblity Map)
  • Have a household income that falls at or below 100% of the County’s AMI, for a single person household, or have a household income that falls at or below 120% of the County’s AMI for households with two or more persons (see Income Eligibility Table)
  • Have been negatively financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Not be currently enrolled in another Guaranteed Income project offered by the County, a city, or other public or private entity

Note: Only one person will be eligible to participate in the project per household.

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Earned Income Tax Credit Resources Available


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Register to participate in the Guaranteed Income Pilot Program in AV, “Breathe LA”

A message from our AV AAIMM Backbone Agency partner Project Joy: 

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March is Women’s History Month!

The Library of Congress, National Archives Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of American History.


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Youth With A Purpose (YWAP) : Mommy Mentor Program

Youth With a purpose is launching a mentor and mentee program for moms under 29 in the Antelope Valley.

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