"We are the Village" Pledge to Help End Black Infant and Maternal Deaths

We all can come together and be a village of support for Black mothers, infants and families. Join us in ending the injustice and tragedy of Black infant and maternal deaths in LA County.

Take the pledge today!


Be sure to follow us:

Facebook @BlackInfantsandFamilies

Instagram @blackinfantsandfamiliesla


I pledge to:

1. Advocate for respectful and unbiased treatment of Black women by providers.

2. Spread the word about ways for Black women to receive the support they deserve to assist them in having healthy and joyous births, and for them and their child(ren) to enjoy good health.

3. Get involved, by either attending a meeting in my community, telling others about the issue, or sharing resources available at www.blackinfantsandfamilies.org

Who's signing

GOAL: 323 signatures

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or Text PLEDGE to +13237452771 to sign

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