Brittany Lock


    We recently asked Davion Mauldin, MS, Los Angeles Department of Public Health Fatherhood Coordinator, a few questions about his fatherhood journey. We hope his answers will inspire you and give insight into the incredibly important role that fathers play in the lives of their children. Davion also heads the Expecting Fathers Group for Black Dads, which has a new five-week educational workshop kicking off on Tuesday, January 25.

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  • February 2022

    In this issue:

    Black History Month and Other Events.


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  • Black History Month Spotlight On: Bridget "Biddy" Mason

    Bridget Biddy Mason (1818-1891) was one of the first landowners in Los Angeles beginning in the 1850s and founded the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in L.A. in 1872.




    Although born a slave in Mississippi, Mason migrated with her last owner, Robert Marion Smith, a Mormon convert, to the state of Utah. Along the 1,700 mile, 300-wagon caravan trek—which she  traversed entirely on foot—Mason set up and broke down the camp, cooked the meals, herded cattle and....served as a midwife—all while caring for her own three daughters, one of which was a newborn.

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  • AAIMM Partner Gerald Garth Opens Up About His New Role as Center’s Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    [Gerald Garth is a part of the AAIMM network, and Lead facilitator of the AAIMM Village Fund.]

    'It was June 2020 and Gerald Garth was asked to do a video interview with the Los Angeles Times about his role as one of the main organizers of the All Black Lives Matter march that was only days away.

    For the interview setting, the reporter chose the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Bayard Rustin Plaza, named for the openly gay civil rights activist who was the organizing genius behind the 1963 March on Washington and a top advisor to Martin Luther King.

    “It’s a moment I’ll never forget,” Garth tells LGBT News Now.

     In early January, he found himself back at the Center but this time to begin his job as the newly-hired director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

    “When I saw the Center’s commitment to really lifting, expanding, and growing its work in addressing racism and equality and equity, I saw an opportunity for me to bring my skills and strengths to a place that has been just a pillar in LGBTQ+ health and wellness,” he says. “I’ve always celebrated the Center and the great work that it has done. It has been a beacon and uplifted so many people and communities.”

    Garth has already began working with Center leadership and with a staff DEI committee to create a racial equity plan for the Center. The goal of the plan is to establish actionable and measurable initiatives in every Center department to further the effort of dismantling systemic racism.

    “If we liken ourselves to an orchestra, there is value coming from every section but it has to be moving and playing together for it to be at its best,” he explains. “One of my goals is to really help break a number of the silos that we have historically seen in the Center and tie that work together.”

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  • Job Opening: Perinatal Equity Initiative Coordinator

    The Perinatal Equity Initiative Coordinator will be responsible for conducting a range of tasks related to the effective and efficient implementation of the Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) and the Los Angeles County Five-Year Plan to address racial inequality in birth outcomes. 


    The Los Angeles County AAIMM Prevention Initiative is a coalition of the Los Angeles County Departments of Public Health, Health Services, and Mental Health, First 5 LA, community organizations, mental and health care providers, funders, and community members. We are united in one purpose: to address the unacceptably high rates of Black infant and maternal deaths in the county and ensure healthy and joyous births for Black families. Through a series of comprehensive coordinated strategies, we aim to reduce the county's gap in Black/White infant mortality rates by 30% by 2023.


    The AAIMM Initiative approaches its work from a frame that the root cause of the mortality disparity is the stress caused by a Black person’s exposure to racism and the impact of that stress on a Black woman/birthing person’s body, compounded by structures in society that perpetuate racism, and the presence of implicit and overt bias in the systems of support that interact with Black families. 


    The Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) was established in the state legislature's Budget Act of 2018 as the Department of Public Health’s response to the alarming statewide gap in Black infant mortality. PEI is designed as a complement to the state's Black Infant Health (BIH) Program, a group-based service, information and social support program for Black mothers to buffer the negative effects of racism on their health. The goal of PEI is to improve birth outcomes and reduce preterm birth and mortality through interventions implemented at the county level that are evidence-based, evidence-informed or reflect promising practices. 

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    If you're a Black person with a Due Date before January 15th - You may qualify for a NO COST Doula Program

    See flyer for details!

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  • Los Angeles Effo​rt to Tackle Gaps in Black Maternal and Infant Health Passes Two-Year Mark as White House Issues Call to Action on Issue

    LOS ANGELES (Dec. 16, 2021) — Communities Lifting Communities (CLC), the Public Health Alliance of Southern California (Alliance), and the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC), recently marked the end of its first, two-year cohort of Cherished Futures for Black Moms & Babies, a collaborative effort to reduce Black maternal and infant health inequities in Los Angeles County.

    The Cherished Futures landmark took place just prior to a Dec. 7 White House statement that identified reducing maternal mortality and morbidity as a strategic objective of the Biden-Harris Administration. The statement followed a presidential proclamation released during April’s Black Maternal Health Week, when Vice President Kamala Harris presided over a roundtable on the issue.  

    “Black women in our country are facing a maternal health crisis,” Harris said at the time. “We know the primary reasons why: systemic racial inequities and implicit bias,”

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  • “Dear Baby...When I Love You, I Love Me” featuring Jessica Wade of Mighty Little Giants

    We believe in the importance of centering the real experiences of Black mothers/birthing persons. This effort deeply connects people to the narratives that relate to our work and, rather, to the people for whom this work was created. It also allows us to share the joys as well as sit with the gravity of the birthing experience.

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    See Flyer Below For More Detail!


  • March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month 2021

    We love to welcome new babies into the world, but we don’t want to welcome them too soon.

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations for childbirth—a crisis fueled by the health equity gap in our health care system that puts women and babies of color at the greatest risk.

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    If your family has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and needs financial assistance, you may qualify for help through BIG:LEAP. The City of Los Angeles has launched the BIG:LEAP (Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot) program, the largest guaranteed basic income pilot in the nation designed to bring about more equitable opportunities for families. The City’s program will provide $1,000 a month for 12 months to approximately 3,200 eligible families across Los Angeles in an effort to increase financial opportunities for households who are living below the poverty line.

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  • Premature Birth Prevention and Support

    Join us as we share tips and resources to help reduce the risk of
    premature birth, and support new parents of premature babies.


    Prematurity Awareness Spotlight On...

    In an effort to share resources to expectant families, mothers/birthing persons, as well as their extended Village of support during Prematurity Awareness Month, we’d like to highlight some of our partners and Village Fund grantees who are working to help families who are experiencing a premature birth, as well as those who can be part of the plan to take preventative measures to ensure a healthy and joyous birthing experience. 

    If your organization is interested in learning more about the Village Fund and applying for the current round of funding, click HERE

    Mighty Little Giants

    Mighty Little Giants (MLG) is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates through providing support, education, and hope for Black mothers/birthing persons and fathers experiencing preterm deliveries resulting in long-term stays in hospital NICUs. 

    Jessica Wade is the founding President and CEO of Mighty Little Giants. After her own experience with a difficult pregnancy that resulted in the early delivery of her son who had a 143-day stay in the NICU, Wade vowed to help other families who are enduring similar challenges. Wade is also the Manager of Maternal Infant Health Initiatives for the San Diego County, a Certified Lactation Education Specialist (CLES), and a Certified Doula.

    MLG’s mission is to stand in the gap with and for Black families with babies in the NICU by embracing MLG’s core values: Integrity, Compassion, and Encouragement. Within its  mission, one of its main goals is to empower the prenatal moms/birthing people that the organization supports (that are on bedrest) with the tools they need to advocate for a joyous birthing experience. For families who have babies in the NICU, MLG strives to provide them with peace, education, compassion, and support in the midst of their storm.

    MLG’s programs include:

    You can follow @mightylittlegiants on Instagram for more content related to Prematurity Awareness Month. Read Mighty Little Giants’ Village Fund grantee profile HERE

    Parenting For Liberation

    AAIMM Village Fund grantee, Parenting for Liberation (P4L), was launched in 2016 as a virtual platform designed to connect, inspire, and uplift Black families. As systemic racism — as well as social and other stressors — plays a role in Black infant and maternal mortality, P4L is an organization that supports Black parents in their efforts to heal from historical and ongoing trauma while interrupting intergenerational violence. It is committed to building resilient and joyful Black families within the community it serves. 

    Recently, its Black Mama Magic event provided gifts, music, photos, and community resources to approximately 75 Black mothers. The goal was to provide positive energy, support, healing, and rest for mothers after a difficult year of isolation and loss. P4L also has a podcast and a book authored by Founder & Executive Director, Trina Greene Brown.

    Parenting For Liberation’s programs include:

    • Healing Justice/Self Care Sessions
    • “From Trauma to Triumph” Workshop Series
    • “Building Black Parent Power” Advocacy Trainings
    • Liberated Parenting Coaching & Circles
    • Black Family Gatherings

    Read Parenting For Liberation’s full Village Fund grantee profile HERE


    Black Infant Health

    California Black Infant Health (BIH) aims to help women have healthy babies within a culturally supportive environment, while honoring the unique history of Black women. BIH provides culturally-appropriate services that respect each participant’s values and beliefs. The program includes empowerment-focused group support services and client-centered life planning to improve the health and social conditions for Black women and their families.

    BIH is funded by Federal Title V MCH Block Grant Funds, Federal Title XIX (Medicaid) Funds and State General Funds. The services are free and are provided by Family Health Advocates, Group Facilitators, Public Health Nurses and Social Workers. The program is open to Black women who are 16 years or older and pregnant, or up to six months postpartum at the time of enrollment regardless of income. 

    Program services include:

    • 10 prenatal and 10 postpartum group sessions designed to empower and support participants
    • Individual client-centered life-planning sessions
    • Case management for clients who are unable to attend the traditional group model

    For more information on BIH, how to join, or for additional data and reporting, please visit


    March of Dimes

    March of Dimes has been working to improve the health outcomes for all moms/birthing persons and babies for over 80 years. It is committed to guiding moms/birthing persons through every stage of the pregnancy journey to help ensure the best possible outcomes for healthy and joyous births. March of Dimes supports research, leads programs, and provides education and advocacy. It offers a variety of programs via healthcare and community partnerships. 

    Programs and areas of focus include:

    • Prenatal education, support and care
    • NICU initiatives
    • Professional education
    • Igniting Impact Together
    • Research


    The March of Dimes 2023 Report Card


    On November 16, right before Prematurity Awareness Day (Nov. 17), March of Dimes releases its annual report card. Per its website, “The Report Card offers a comprehensive overview of the health of moms and babies across the U.S. The report grades the U.S. states, Puerto Rico and 100 cities on preterm birth rates, and includes other information such as infant death, social vulnerability, low-risk cesarean births, and state efforts on Medicaid expansion and extension, doula and midwives legislation/policies, among other factors and outlines important policy solutions that can make a difference.” Its 2022 Report Card can be found HERE.

    In California, the preterm birth rate among Black women is 43% higher than the rate among other women. According to the 2022 Report Card, the state of California overall earned a “B-” grade (down from its “B” score in 2021) with a 9.2% preterm birth rate, an increase from 8.8% in 2021. Los Angeles County received a “C+” with a 9.4% preterm birth rate. 

    However, the infant mortality rate is 3.7 as compared to 5.4 in the U.S. overall. This shows a continued positive downward trend for the state with regard to overall birthing outcomes, as last year the rate was 4.1. Overall, these findings display an increased need for our work to narrow the gap in the disparity ratio and end Black infant mortality within the city and county of Los Angeles. 

    The Report Card goes further to address and examine the social determinants of health at the county level using the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). These are measured using 15 social factors, grouped into four areas including: socioeconomic status; household composition and disability; minority status and language; housing type and transportation. It also lists policy measures that can improve infant and maternal health outcomes.

    AAIMM "Dear Baby"...




    For Prematurity Awareness Month, the African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative created a pamphlet to provide practical tips, resources, and guidance for expectant mothers/birthing persons to assist in decreasing the disproportionately high rates of premature births among Black infants. 


    This downloadable Prematurity Awareness Tip Guide is broken down into five sections:

    • Know the Signs
    • Prevention
    • Activate Your Village
    • Advocacy
    • Support


    We encourage you to share this resource with expectant families, as well as their extended Village.






    As part of our continued effort to promote and celebrate healthy and joyous births for Black families in Los Angeles County, the African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative is commemorating the 20th anniversary of Prematurity Awareness Month (Nov. 1-30) by sharing messages of hope, healing, and a call to grow “The Village” as an anchor of support for families in the prevention of premature births and for families with babies born prematurely.  

    As premature birth is the second leading cause of infant mortality, and Black women in particular have the highest rate of premature births in the state of California (12.4%, according the 2022 March of Dimes Report Card, which is 57% higher than the best rate), this effort is closely aligned with the mission of AAIMM. If we can prevent premature birth, we can have a significant impact on reducing the rate of Black infant death overall—and that is why our work is so important. 

    Throughout the month of November, we hope to create conversations and will share information about:

    • Looking for/knowing the signs of a potential premature birth
    • Information about prevention/risk
    • Help in the event of a premature delivery

    We invite you to join us in our efforts by:

    • Following us on social media @blackinfantsandfamiliesla and sharing our campaign messages throughout the month
    • Use hashtag #PrematurityAwarenessMonth, #WorldPrematurityDay and #AAIMM to share your own stories and those of others
    • Download our Prematurity Awareness: Activate Your Village as an Anchor of Support Tip Guide and share it with others 
    • Hosting or attending events and conversations around the subject of Premature Birth and prevention during the month of November
    • Get involved with our partnering organizations who are doing work to directly help families who are experiencing premature birth and/or stays in the NICU: March of Dimes and Mighty Little Giants

    Together, we can help close the gap and help usher in an era of joyous and healthy births for Black infants and families. Thank you for being a part of our village!



    According to the March of Dimes, during 2017-2019 in the United States, preterm birth rates were highest for Black infants (14.0%) on average compared to babies of other races. In the state of California, the rate of premature births for Black infants is 12% and the preterm birth rate among Black women/birthing persons is 43% higher than the rate among all other women. The African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative is working to bring about equitable birthing outcomes for all babies and, therefore, holds this effort to help preemies thrive close to our mission. 

    September 1-31 is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month, a month dedicated to honoring the families of critically ill and prematurely born infants who are experiencing stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the health professionals who care for them. This month, we are highlighting our AAIMM Prevention Initiative partners, March of Dimes, and Village Fund Grantee, Mighty Little Giants, who are both working to help families with prematurely born babies ensure that their little ones have the best chance for a hopeful, healthy future.

    March of Dimes’ NICU Family Support® Program provides resources and support to NICU families and hospital staff. Along with printed and digital materials, and parent education curriculum, they also have the My NICU Baby® App available for free to download. The app provides NICU families with answers, tools, and support. 

    Read our profile on Mighty Little Giants, join their upcoming events, and follow them on Facebook (@mightylittlegiants) for information and Facebook Live Q & As. 

    Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure that all mothers/birthing persons have a chance at a joyful birthing experience and that all babies are given an equal opportunity to be healthy and thrive. You are the Village that helps make it happen!








  • Association of Black Women Providers (ABWP)

    Presented by the Association of Black Women Physicians (ABWP), The L.A. County AAIMM Initiative and The March of Dimes: Overcoming disparities in African American Infant and Maternal Mortality: Doctors and Doulas and Mamas, Oh My!

    Intended Audience: Physicians, Nurses, NPs, CNMs, LMs, PAs, Allied Health Staff and Community Members

    At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

      • Define the role(s) of the doula during pregnancy, birth, and the post partum period

      • Identify the ways that doctors and doulas can partner to support successful and joyous childbirth

      • Discuss ways that doctors and doulas in-partnership can help decrease African American infant and maternal mortality

    For more information see flyer below:



    Presented by the Association of Black Women Physicians (ABWP), The L.A. County AAIMM Initiative and The March of Dimes: Overcoming disparities in African American Infant and Maternal Mortality Preterm Birth

    Intended Audience: Physicians, Nurses, NPs, CNMs, LMs, PAs, Allied Health Staff and Community Members

    At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

    • Define preterm infant morbidity and mortality in relation to gestational age at birth
    • Name the diagnoses and complications that affect preterm births
    • Provide information and evidence, and assess candidates for interventions
    • Discuss key patient education points to increase understanding and strategies to better support patient experience

    For more information see flyer below:





    The Division of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health of the Los Angles County Department of Public Health (LAC DPH) is seeking a physician leader to direct its Perinatal and Infant Health Unit. The Director will have major responsibility for a constellation of programs aimed at improving outcomes for mothers, infants, young children, and families in all Los Angeles County (LAC) communities, but especially in communities that face unequal access to resources that are critical to good health.


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    Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed a law aimed at improving maternal and postpartum care for Black California families who have disproportionately suffered pregnancy-related and infant deaths in recent years. Senate Bill 65, dubbed the “Momnibus Act” and authored by Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, aims to close those racial disparities in maternal and infant deaths. The law would establish a committee to investigate pregnancy-related deaths and severe maternal morbidity and expands data collection and research into the social factors that cause negative birth outcomes. The bill also increases access to postpartum health care, doula services and midwives for families.


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    31 New Deaths and 1,436 New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County

    The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is strongly encouraging COVID-19 vaccination for all women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future to prevent severe illness, death and adverse pregnancy outcomes from COVID-19. 

    While studies have affirmed the vaccines’ safety in all stages of pregnancy and the vaccines do not cause any fertility problems, the CDC reports as of September 18, only 31% of pregnant women are fully vaccinated nationwide. 

    Healthcare providers should communicate the risk of COVID-19, the benefits of vaccination, information on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy, and strongly recommend COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible.

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  • African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative Village Fund

    On behalf of the LA Partnership for Early Childhood Investment, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH), the Department of Health Services, First 5 LA, and the Center for Strategic Partnerships, we are excited to announce the launch of the second round of funding for the African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative Village Fund (The Village Fund)

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  • 2021 Village Fund Grantee: Parenting for Liberation

    AAIMM Village Fund grantee, Parenting for Liberation (P4L) is an organization that supports Black parents in their efforts to heal from historical and ongoing trauma while interrupting intergenerational violence. Its broad definition of “parent” enables it to have a larger scope of influence in building resilient and joyful Black families within the community it serves. Launched in 2016 as a virtual platform to connect, inspire, and uplift Black parents as they navigate and negotiate raising Black children within the social and political context of the United States, P4L has grown into an anti-violence movement for Black parents. To date, P4L  has reached more than 20,000 people through audio podcasts and engaged nearly 30,000 individuals through social media, a self-published storybook workbook, blog posts, and opinion pieces, and recently released its inaugural book written by founder and executive director, Trina Greene Brown: Parenting for Liberation: A Guide for Raising Black Children (Feminist Press, 2020).

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  • Mashariki Kudumu (featured in article) - Lower death rates for Black moms is goal of California bill

    Lower death rates for Black moms is goal of California bill

    California has among the lowest death rates nationally among pregnant women and new mothers, but the numbers for Black mothers tell a different story.

    They were six times more likely to die within a year of pregnancy than white women from 2014 to 2016 and had a higher rate of death than Black women nationally from 2014 to 2017, the most recent time frame for which data is available.

    A bill before Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom aims to change that. Nicknamed the “Momnibus” bill, it would collect more details about pregnancy-related deaths, diversify the experts looking at that data and require them to recommend ways to reduce racial gaps. It also would expand access to doulas and midwives, whose presence can drive better care. . .

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  • NICU Awareness Month: September 2021

    According to the March of Dimes, during 2017-2019 in the United States, preterm birth rates were highest for Black infants (14.0%) on average compared to babies of other races. In the state of California, the rate of premature births for Black infants is 12% and the preterm birth rate among Black women/birthing persons is 43% higher than the rate among all other women. The African American Infant and Maternal Mortality (AAIMM) Prevention Initiative is working to bring about equitable birthing outcomes for all babies and, therefore, holds this effort to help preemies thrive close to our mission. 

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