The Richardson Review: The Official Newsletter for SLA/SB AAIMM CAT!

The SLA/SB AAIMM CAT Launches Inaugural issue of the Richardson Review, the Official Newsletter of the SLA/SB AAIMM CAT, presented by the Integrated Community Solutions work group!

Adjoa Jones, Associate Director Whole Person Care-LA, and a SLA/SB AAIMM CAT lead, shared the inspiration about the newsletter. "I can’t express how proud I am of our team, who worked hard to put this edition together to honor our beloved Dr. Barbarosia Richardson. Dr. Richardson, who served as one of the original ICS co-chairs and was dedicated to improving the Black infant birth outcomes." Dr. Richardson who passed earlier this year, was a tremendous inspiration and leader on the CAT, known for her insight, positivity, and brilliant out-of-the-box wisdom in the work. "With tears running down my face right now, I can say not only did she show up but she showed out, with her soft-spoken self," Jones went on to share. "Dr. Barbara Richardson, we are missing you already. On behalf of the South Los Angeles/South Bay African American Infant and Maternal Mortality Community Action Planning Team, the Integrative Holistic Approaches Workgroup and the entire AAIMM Community, we can say Dr. Barbara was truly appreciated; her work and endeavors were INVALUABLE to us." 

Click Here to Read the RICHARDSON REVIEW 1st EDITION!

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