Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Celebrate June 2024 as “Fatherhood Well-Being Month” throughout Los Angeles County; direct the Chief Executive Officer, the Directors of Public Social Services, Child Support Services, Children and Family Services, Mental Health, Public Health, Economic Opportunity and Youth Development, the Executive Director of Racial Equity, the Chief Probation Officer and the Public Defender, to promote father well-being resources and outreach events and activities through targeted outreach to underserved populations, public messaging efforts and social media, and add fathers as a subpopulation to each of the County’s prevention and promotion initiative’s focus areas and that focus area subcommittees work to further guide the implementation of the County’s recommendations and explore options to ensure that fathers have efficient access to accurate information and essential resources needed, as recommended in the Chief Executive Officer’s March 6, 2024 Workgroup Report; and take the following actions:
Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in collaboration with the Directors of Public Social Services, Children and Family Services, Mental Health, Public Health and Child Support Services, and the Chief Probation Officer, to report back to the Board in writing in 90 days on steps that the Departments have taken to adopt and implement the recommended changes from the Workgroup Report, prioritizing those that are cost neutral (e.g. hosting “brown bag” lunches with judges to address bias and racial equity, including disproportionality and ongoing disparities);
Direct the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Departments listed above, including the Chief Executive Officer’s Anti-Racism, Diversity, & Inclusion Initiative and the Center for Strategic Partnerships, to identify resources needed to carry out the directives, and report back to the Board in writing in 30 days; and
Instruct the Director of Public Health to work with individuals with lived experience to design education and awareness efforts that are dad-affirming and incorporate common health issues affecting men, with services and partnerships to include the following:
Free health screenings for men, including blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, and prostate exams; Collaboration with community-based organizations for care coordination to connect men with healthcare providers and resources in the community; A public health awareness campaign focused on men’s health and well-being; and Creation of a toolkit for fathers to support them in supporting their own and their family’s health.
Celebrating “Fatherhood Well-Being Month” in Los Angeles County
Read the Motion Proclaiming June 2023 as Fatherhood Well-being Month in LA County
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