Motion Proclaiming June 2023 as Fatherhood Well-being Month in LA County


Proclaim June 2023 as Fatherhood Well-being Month in Los Angeles County

"House Resolution 36, introduced by Assemblymember Mike Gipson, aims to annually declare the month of June as Fatherhood Well-being Month. In 2021, there were 2,174,428 children, 0-17 years old, living in Los Angeles County (County)1. For each of those children, there is a father in their lives, existing in many forms such as stepfathers, foster fathers, relative caregivers, and father figures. Fathers are integral to families and provide a strong foundation for educational success and emotional well-being, which build pathways to economic mobility. The well-being of fathers is critical to active involvement and the ability to be a positive presence in the lives of children and families.

The data demonstrates that involved fathers leads to increased childhood outcomes, such as school performance, physical and emotional development, and engagement in positive social activities. Additionally, father involvement significantly supports the family, leading to healthier births, lower risk of postpartum depression, and reduced parenting stress. Furthermore, involved fathers foster supportive and caring relationships, thereby building safe and nurturing bonds, reversing the effects of toxic stress.

Fatherhood well-being is comprehensive, which includes physical and mental health, healthy relationships, parenting skills, financial stability, and quality time with children.

Physically healthy and mentally sound fathers can discover strengths and develop skills that create enduring success for themselves and their families. Yet the historical impact and harm of systemic racism on fathers of color requires targeted and meaningful investments to advance equity across educational, economic, housing, justice, and social institutions. According to the Vera Institute of Justice2, 8% of the County identifies as Black/ African American yet account for 29% of the County’s incarcerated population; 49% of the County’s population identifies as Latinx but account for 57% of the County’s incarcerated population. The over-representation of people of color in the criminal legal system disrupts family stability and hinders fathers from remaining present in their children’s lives."

Read the full motion here

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