Tracee Porter wants to volunteer 2021-03-10 21:47:11 -0800
Santa Clarita & San Fernando (SPA 2)
JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO END THE INJUSTICE OF BLACK INFANT AND MOM DEATHS IN LA COUNTY.Join our African American Infant and Maternal Mortality Community Action Team!
Aqueelah Russell
Backbone/Community Co-lead
Coming Soon
San Fernando & Santa Clarita Valleys COVID-19 Panel: A Vaccine Conversation For African American Families - EVENT RECAPWednesday, February 17th, 2021 from 10am-12pm
During this event we discussed concerns and explored options related to the COVID-19 vaccine with a panel of local medical and legal experts. It was an opportunity for our community to ask questions in a safe space. Panelists included:• Valley Presbyterian Hospital
• General Counsel, Tamala Choma Esq.
• Director of Women’s Services, Marcia Lynch, RN, MSN
• Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – Tina Franco, MPH, Health Educator
• September Williams, MD, Physician-Writer & Bioethicist
• Kaiser Permanente – Sharon K. Okonkwo-Holmes, MD. Family Physician and Physician Lead for the Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Council
Panel discussion was moderated by Aqueelah Russell from Northeast Valley WICView the event recap below:
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"We are the Village" Pledge to Help End Black Infant and Maternal Deaths
We all can come together and be a village of support for Black mothers, infants and families. Join us in ending the injustice and tragedy of Black infant and maternal deaths in LA County.
Take the pledge today!
Be sure to follow us:
Facebook @BlackInfantsandFamilies
Instagram @blackinfantsandfamiliesla
I pledge to:
1. Advocate for respectful and unbiased treatment of Black women by providers.
2. Spread the word about ways for Black women to receive the support they deserve to assist them in having healthy and joyous births, and for them and their child(ren) to enjoy good health.
3. Get involved, by either attending a meeting in my community, telling others about the issue, or sharing resources available at www.blackinfantsandfamilies.org
Tracee Porter wants to volunteer 2021-03-10 21:18:32 -0800
Join A Community Action Team
Community Action Teams bring together community members, organizations, and leaders from public health to lead efforts level to end Black infant and maternal mortality in their neighborhoods and communities. A member of one of our CAT planning teams will reach out to you!
Become a volunteer