Her Dream Deferred - hosted by the African American Policy Forum

Her Dream Deferred, hosted by the African American Policy Forum, 3/28 – 4/1/22

The African American Policy Forum will be hosting their week-long event, Her Dream Deferred, and everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is open for the week's first five events: Screenings and talkbacks of three compelling and eye-opening films, a panel discussion of Black women's representation in the judiciary, and a ritual space for Black women to reflect on a praxis of love and healing. Final dates, times, and registration links are below:

AAPF is hiring. They are looking for passionate individuals who want to help them build an intersectional future. To learn more about their open positions, please visit www.aapf.org/workwithus


March 28, 2022 at 5:00pm - 8pm

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