Early Childhood Candidate Forum - RSVP Today!

Dear Members and Guests of the LA Partnership, UNITE-LA and Southern California Grantmakers,

During the 2018 California Gubernatorial election, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) successfully led the “Choose Children 2018” initiative to spotlight early childhood issues and provide opportunities for gubernatorial candidates to share their vision for California’s children. The effort included sponsoring a candidate forum where each candidate could articulate her/his vision for championing early care and education.

Building off of this successful model, the LA Partnership in close collaboration with UNITE-LA has launched “Choose Children LA” lifting up important, local early childhood issues for those candidates running for office in LA County. 

Please join us on Wednesday, October 14th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. as we host a forum with the candidates from two important open races in LA County: Board of Supervisors District 2 and Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education Seat 7. These two bodies collectively make policy and budgeting decisions that affect hundreds of thousands of LA County families with young children, including home visiting programs, early education and child care programs, healthcare and developmental screenings.

Each of the candidates, in succession, will have the opportunity to share her/his vision for how to best support LA County’s most vulnerable children, birth to age 5, and their families.


Sponsors and moderators have not endorsed any candidates in the election. This is a non-partisan candidate forum. Only candidates that appear on the ballot have been invited to participate.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

October 13, 2020 at 10:00am - 12pm

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