Christina Wherry, AAIMM DOULA

What does being a doula mean to you?

Being a Full Spectrum Doula to me means that any person who shows up for care and support is cared for and supported. No matter if you are birthing at home (or at) a hospital. No matter the outcome, as your doula I show up to gently remind you of your inner power.

One reason a family should consider having a doula:

One reason a family should consider having a doula is that they can provide support that is non-judgmental. Your doula is there to be present for you and your and your family’s needs. 

Please share a story of one of your most memorable experiences as a doula.  

My most memorable doula story is when I was supporting a family during labor and the older sibling was there to diligently support her Mama — rubbing her head and laying with her as she witnessed her brother coming earth-side. Mama had two doulas that day!

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