Angela Abbott, Client Service Area Manager
“I am grateful to have a supply that is more than enough for my daughter. I also decided to donate over 300 bags of breastmilk to a co-worker.”
How did you become involved in supporting Black breast/chestfeeding in Los Angeles County and why are you passionate about it?
Through CORE, and SGV AIMM (the San Gabriel Valley Infant and Maternal Mortality Prevention Initiative Community Action Team).
What is the most rewarding part of the work that you do to support Black breast/chestfeeding?
I can relate, as I am currently breastfeeding. But assisting mothers with support and advice is the most rewarding, and connecting them to the resources we have in the agency.
Do you have a personal experience or story to share about a breast/chestfeeding journey?
My experience with breastfeeding has been a love/hate relationship. I am grateful to have support at work, with friends/family. I am also grateful to have a supply that is more than enough for my daughter. I also decided to donate over 300 bags of breastmilk to a coworker.
What do you hope to see change for the better with regard to Black breast/chestfeeding in Los Angeles County?
NORMALIZE it, increasing numbers within the Black community.
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